
makeup for The Great Gatsby

If you ask what is the most popular movie right now, many people would choose the great Gatsby. It is also the reason why I read it at first, and I will never regret this choice. It became my favorite movie now.
The story starts with mystery, ends in tragedy. Gatsby is a rich guy, his mystery is just like his money, nobody knows the truth behind rumour. No one knows who he is, where he comes from. But everyone has been to his house, the fabulous castle, where holds parties every week. People from everywhere, every position hang on together, with the endless wines, foods and happiness, everything is too good to be true. But on one has ever seen Gatsby, the owner, except our writer. 
It turned out that Gatsby was born in a very poor family, and grew up in hanger. He earned his money by selling wines secretly. The only reason why he held those parties was because he wanted to see the girl he loved. They were in love for five years but lost contact after he joined the army. The girl married a rich guy and never looked back. Gatsby tried everything, anything that can get her back. However, the girl let him down at the very last moment. In the end, Gatsby was killed because he was the escape goat in a traffic accident for that girl.
When I read this novel, I thought it is a normal love story. But after I watched the movie, I found out it is much more complicated than I expect. Five days after I watch the movie till now, some of questions still confused me. Why Gatsby trying to hide his back? Why is the girl didn't choose to run away with him? Why the writer consider Gatsby the great guy? I try to guess many times, but none satisfied me.
This movie makes me think more about the realistic human being. Tom's mistress, the woman who cheated on her husband, loved him so much, she died for for him, while it was her husband who revenged the criminal and died with her. Tom didn't admit he knew her even after she died. Daisy, the girl caught the two guys heart, broke Gatsby's heart again and again. Gatsby was killed for her while she live happily with Tom. She didn't even show up at his funeral. Gatsby held the great parties for everyone, they are all so proud to know him, but no one was in his funeral. Gatsby was all alone after he died, except Nick felt sad for him, even though they've only hang out several times. The movie showed me the dark side of humanity, showed me how week people are and how selfish they can be. But after all of that, they still have the bright side, the side that support Gatsby to go through the tough time, the side that is kept in Nick's heart.
I love the movie the Great Gatsby, their words are so beautiful, I was touched immediately at the very beginning. In the meanwhile, I'm also frustrated that I can't express my feelings in English exactly. However, I will buy this book some day later, and read it carefully, looking for the answers. My story with Gatsby hasn't end yet.

2 条评论:

  1. Perhaps what they think is love, is something else. I always wondered if some of the characters didn't let themselves feel love, i.e., shut themselves off from love. What do you think?

  2. Also, it says a lot about people using people, and true friendship, right?
