
A tale of two cities

I love A Tale of Two Cities since I was very young. I love it the very moment I saw it, when I read the beginning of the first chapter, and after long time, those words still give me a chill.

It was the best of times,
It was the worst of times,
It was the age of wisdom,
It was the age of foolishness,
It was the epoch of belief,
It was the epoch of incredulity,
It was the season of light,
It was the season of darkness,
It was the spring of hope,
It was the winter of despair.

The story starts before ant during the French Revolution, when people of France was extremely frustrated  with the king and all noblemen. People were living in hell for long, and a war would be triggered ant any moment. Does love still exist in this situation? Dickens told us it does. The love between Lucie and Charles proved everything.
It was not a new story about two young people fell in love within their family's enmity since Romeo and Juliet, but Dickens made it different. It not only expresses how beautiful love is, but also how powerful it is. No wonder what happens, love is still there, it makes old Manette hide the horrible time that Charles' family led to, it let Steney gave up his life for others happiness, it breaks the boundary between common people and noblemen, it pushes the poor to fight for their own right. That's probably is the reason why human being overcame so many disasters and never been defeated, Love makes us who we are.
Every time when I see how people fight for their happiness, I'm deeply touched. It shows me that never give up in whatever situation, everything is gonna be ok eventually, because love always leads us to the right way.

3 条评论:

  1. You are a true romantic, Bethe!! I love this book, too! And the lesson of never giving up and believing that everything will be OK in the end is a great one! Many people also say that often "love is not enough". Are there any parts of the story that show that, as well?

    1. yes! I definitely agree that "love is not enough". Because people varies. We are all happy because of love, while some of us may hurt others for the love of "money","power",etc. Love is what makes us strong and also want makes us week. except love, we also need logic, courage, and also control. For example, in the French Revolution, people fight for love, but they would't success if they are lack of all the others above. They fought bravely, they sacrificed, they killed noblemen, even though some of them are innocent. That's what we have to pay for happiness. Isn't it?

    2. Yes, I believe you are right. Good answer!
