
the phantom of opera

The phantom of opera is my favorite opera since I was really young. Coming to America, watching it in the Broadway is kinda like a dream for me. So when I saw this book, I picked it up immediately, and watched the movie after reading it.
It's a pity that the book is an elementary level book, most of the details are skipped. But even so,  those up and down plots still gave me a chill.
The phantom of Opera talks about a mystery man and his unusual life. The man has a incredibly ugly face, and because of this face, he had been ridiculed since he was really young. After he punched those who laugh at him, he hided himself in a mask, and stayed in the opera for the rest of his life. The face made him a phantom. But things changed when he fell in love with a girl. He was too afraid of the girl seeing his face, so he talked to her in a secret way, taught her singing, made her a real star in that opera. However, the girl didn't understand his love, she loved another boy and that hurt him deeply. He tried to kill that boy, but the girl's good overbalanced the evil, he gave up and let her go. He didn't get the girl's love eventually.
I hate to say the world is unfair, but it truly is. I always think, if the phantom isn't that ugly, what will his life gonna be? He might will live a normal life, and meet the one, living with her happily in the rest of his life. The face destroyed his childhood, warped his character, and made him who he was. However, he won't be such a genius if so. The most important thing is, he can still feel love and didn't let his anger beat him. He choice to give back the girl's love.
If say the book is Ok, then the movie is really amazing.All songs are so classic and fabulous that I was immediately attracted when they started. Besides, I understood the story much better after watching it.
I love the phaeton of opera for real, I will definitely watch it in the Broadway after this fall quarter.

PS: Dear instructor, I saw your reply for the last blog, but I tried many ways and still don't know how to reply it, Maybe we can figure it out tomorrow, hehe~

3 条评论:

  1. Bethe, Is it not possible for you to type in the comments section? Yes, perhaps we can have a look after class.
    I certainly agree with you about the unfairness of the world! I love the music also. I wonder, though, concerning what you say about the Phantom being able to feel love even if he couldn't get it back, whether that is more painful than never loving at all. What do you think?

    1. now I figured it out, yah~
      About the question, to be honest, I prefer to say yes, it's more painful. I mean, we do want the world filled with love, like the way the writer created the phantom who got hurt a lot but still be able to feel love. But if phantom of opera was just a total psycho, he would never feel it that way at all. He couldn't feel love, then how can he get hurt?
      However, I guess no one is a total psycho, right? Everyone has something that can touch them, and for the phantom, it's love. Even though it didn't end up as he hoped, but he died with relief, with the feeling of love. I feel bad for him, but I kinda think this is the best end.

  2. Interesting. Yes, in some ways that would be best as it was so unlikely he would find happiness in his life. Sad, though.
