
Romeo and Juliet

Speak of Shakespeare,on one will forget his classic tragedy,Romeo and Juliet. Although I heard it since I was a child, I didn't get a chance to read the book carefully till recent days. The book I had isn't a hard level one, but I was still deeply touched by those simple but fresh words.
Romeo and Juliet told about two young lovers,Romeo and Juliet, who are unfortunately from two feuding families, fought for their love but failed to death ultimately. The two families reconciled after their death, but Romeo and Juliet's happiness would never come back.
As the saying goes, tragedy is to destroy the beautiful things in front of you. Romeo and Juliet shows exactly how it feels like. Young boy and girl, in their most romantic age, fall in love with each other.They are so pretty and attractive, even among lots of people, just like the shining stars. It is no doubt that they are the sweetest couple. However, their families are like a sword , suddenly cut down every happy imagination,amazing ending, everything. They tried to escape, but destiny also plagued them, and led to their death.
After finishing the book, I feel so lucky that I'm in such a peaceful world. I can find my true love freely without any other interruption. But for them, feuding from birth sentenced their love to death. I was moved by how deeply they loved each other, and how hard they fought for their happiness. It was a pure love between young couples, the love we all dream of in our whole life.At the same time, I also felt the power of destiny. They ware about to get what they want with that perfect "death faking" method, but ended in tragedy because the message was failed to delivered. What if the messenger succeed to tell Romeo the truth? To say the most, what if their families were not feuding coincidentally? What if young Romeo still chasing the girl he loved at first and didn't join that party? We know the answer for sure,then the story would not as sadly beautiful as it is now.

1 条评论:

  1. Again, great points. All those questions are interesting ones to ask. They are the same questions that impact our own lives, right? It's sometimes interesting to wonder if one event hadn't happened, how would it have changed our lives!
